I love this season

I love this season
"For everything there is a season..." Eccl. 3:1

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Am I Devoted?

It was a beautiful site to see our students rising early, after a long day, meeting with the Lord, united in prayer and indivudally, calling on Him, listening to His Word, all across the beach from our balcony this morning!  What an awesome blessing to take my son, Caleb outside where he could see our students praying!  I know Caleb does not understand yet, but He will.  I am grateful for students with a heart for the Lord that are setting an example for Caleb's generation! 

Please continue to pray over the list of names of our campers and staffers.  Here are some thoughts from the student life curriculum for today...

Peter serves as an example for students of what it means to be devoted as the question is asked of each student today if they are devoted.  Upon examining Peter, they see how he was devoted from his earliest days with Jesus.  Second, through his testimony and confession we learn just who jesus was and is, the Christ, the Son of God.  Third, studnets identify with him when he doesn't measure up to his own boasts of devotion and celebrate that his restoration provides us with hope for our own.  Last, stuents are challenged by his first sermon to examine whether or not they are devoted themselves.  Peter serves as a good aid as students (and us for that matter) seek to answer that very question for themselves. 

To follow along throughout today, read Matthew 16:16, 4:18-20; 16:13-18; 26:1-35, 69-75; John 21:15-22; Acts 2:14-41; 1-2:7; 1 Peter 1:13-25; 2 Peter 1 :3-15

Prayer suggestions:
Specifically, pray that students will see the need for God's salvation and forgiveness in their lives.
Pray that students will understand Jesus' call to follow Him.
Pray that students will respond in faith to the gospel and become fully devoted followers of Christ.

Ada Bailey
Rachel Bailey
Dylan Barnes
Lakese Brown
Emily Brunson
Jerilyn Byrd
Christina Charles
Mary Margaret Charles
Morgan Clark
Annalese Clem
McKenzie Cole
Olivia Cook
Payton Couch
Bethany Cromie
Bailey Duncan
Madison Duncan
Amelia Elder
Jovanna Escobar
Marly Eubanks
Alicia Evans
Emily Garland
Taylor Glow
Becky Graves
Jennifer Henson
Meggan Hunnewell
Hazzannah Jones
Kayla Kirkland
Ashley Lane
Alexandria Lewis
Amie Loudermilk
Mallory McClearn
Madison McClearn
Emilee McLeod
Katie Meagher
Morgan Miller
Bree Milliner
Ashlyn Peachey
Savannah Peachey
Hannah Plummer
Savannah Peachy
Brooklyn Rainey
Taylor Reynolds
Katie Richards
Leigh Robinson
Kelsey Rogers
Mar Claire Sanders
Michaela Satchell
Kimberly Smith
Kelsey Spencer
Sarah Stone
Lidsey Taylor
Cara Walker
Taylor Weaver
Jade West
Chassidy Williams
Saralyn Wilson

Aaron Anthony
Skylar Barnes
Trey Broome
Terranc Burnette
Daniel Cooper
Brandon Cromie
Brett Cromie
Rashard Davis
Shaine Edmonson
Syd Erikson
Josh Flickenger
Brandon Gonzalez
MJ Green
Jeremy Hancock
Parker Hatcher
Josh Howick
Dustin Howell
Larrece Kelley
Landon Montgerard
Clay Norman
Jacori Oliver
William Orr
Ben Proctor
Jacob Rodriguez
Steven Rogers
Brett Sheperd
Daniel Smit
Jud Spencer
Jacob Sproul
Patrick Stanford
James Strawder
Chandler Tabb
Clay Wyatt
Jansen Barnes
Torrey Andrews
Aahron Daniels

Garrett Grubbs
Traci Grubbs
Kenny Miller
Lon Jorgensen
Karen Jorgensen
Chris Mathis
Kaitlyn Frits
Jim Russell
Anita Russell
Chris Matthews
Todd Stone
Cherie Peachey
Patricia Bennett
Wendy McLeod
Kaitlyn Lamb
Cindy Stone
Christine Kozuch

Please pray over each student by name...or ask the Lord to give you a special group of students to "adopt" in your prayers all week long throughout the day, maybe 3-4 names that you can take before the Lord each time He brings camp to mind.  Idea: each time you eat or drink today, take time prior to and lift up campers before the Lord...let food/drink be a prayer trigger.

Thank you for your investment in our students!  He is listening! 

Lastly, let's ask the Lord as we examine our hearts in the reading of His Word if we are devoted....are we pointing the students to Christ in our devotion to Him? Or do our lives lead them away from Christ.  Let's spend some time with Him today...at His feet...and let Him speak as we are still.  We must prepare for our students' return...let us rejoice with them in the work Christ is doing rather than discourage because we have not had a time of refreshing with Him this week.  He is calling, let's meet with Him.

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