We loaded the diapers into the nursery closet. This pic doesn't even do justice to what the closet actually held...it spans further to the right/left and goes up even higher than the picture could capture.
Not until today, August 1, 2011, only 11 days shy of Caleb's 1st birthday, did we finish up using the very last diaper. The diapers and wipes were such a HUGE BLESSING! Thank you, thank you, thank you, again for diapering Caleb! We truly appreciate it! Here's the after shot!
Let me give a shout out to the Lord, whose timing is always perfect...the Publix baby diaper sale ran last week, and I bought my first thing of non-preemie diapers for a great deal with my store and manufacturer coupons in preparation of this moment (when the lifetime supply of diapers would run out). After my first diaper purchase, I realized how much money we were able to save all last year thanks to the generosity of sweet people! Thanks y'all!
As for the travel system we received, this was little four pound Caleb's 1st ride in his infant car seat on his way to the car. He was wearing his "tiny miracle" outfit.
Again, just shy of a year, I recently started noticing signs that my baby was moving into the pretoddler phase as it began getting harder to put him into the infant car seat without bonking his head; even his legs dangled over the edge. Did I mention...he was heavy to try and tote in it as well.
Closing the chapter on Caleb's 1st year is bittersweet. I recently washed the padding of the infant car seat to store it for the next baby Grubbs; there was a lot of finality in that process, no more baby Caleb, and welcome pretoddler Caleb.
We had so many precious memories in the infant seat, from bringing him home to the hotel from the hospital, to crossing into our home state with him, bringing him into our home for the first time-the infant car seat is filled with memories of many firsts. We also put a lot of miles on that infant seat, from flying to see grandparents, to youth trips, or day trips to visit daddy at work...
It was really cute when Caleb learned how to peek around the car seat to look at the driver....
And I loved when he learned to find me in the mirror...I'd turn around to see his beautiful smile! (I took this pic from the front seat of the car).
This year has been priceless. Firsts...I treasure them! I am extremely grateful for Caleb's precious life that we've been entrusted to raise on this side of eternity. There are so many joys found in being Caleb's mom..I love them all!
Recently, rather than deleting a particular email from Toys R Us, I opened it...to my surprise I found that the car seat that I'd heard so many good things about was on sale....a rare thing for this brand...which is normally excluded from coupons, etc....and it was just in time for our purchase...another PRAISE the Lord! I LOVE His timing! And His Spirit's leading me to open that email!
Look at the big boy loving his new seat! Such a welcome site! A beautiful new season! He couldn't stop smiling from the time we put him in it. I am sure it was a mixture of being able to ride facing forward, being able to see us, as much as it was probably a lot more comfortable than being stuffed into a tiny infant seat as a growing boy.
Look at the big boy loving his new seat! Such a welcome site! A beautiful new season! He couldn't stop smiling from the time we put him in it. I am sure it was a mixture of being able to ride facing forward, being able to see us, as much as it was probably a lot more comfortable than being stuffed into a tiny infant seat as a growing boy.
I look forward to all that God has in store in the days to come and the memories to be made in the big boy car seat!
Again, I am reminded of the following verses:
"He settles the barren woman in her home as a happy mother of children. Praise the LORD." Psalm 113:9
Ephesians 3:20, "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us."
He is so good, y'all! Mountaintops and valleys!
Wow! That WAS a lot of diapers!!! Thanks for sharing, and may this be a fun year of many great FIRSTS for your sweet boy.