I love this season

I love this season
"For everything there is a season..." Eccl. 3:1

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday, Caleb

Dear sweet Caleb,

This year has been incredible! 

Grateful for that unexpected call on your birthday Aug. 12, 2010 that started our forever family journey.

The first time I held you in my arms

First time in Daddy's arms

You spent 10 days in the NICU and then....it was time to go home with Mommy and Daddy!
this is the face you made when we asked u if u were ready to go home
Our "tiny miracle" weighed 4.10

riding out of the hospital in your big car seat

You were social from the start. You love to smile at people.  It brings our hearts such joy to see you smile and for people to smile back at you.

Bringing you into our home was an answer to many prayers. 
 Psalm 113:9, "He gives the childless woman a family, making her a happy mother, Praise the Lord!"

He added a beautiful arrow to our quiver:

"...Children born to a young man are like arrows in a warriors hands.  How joyful is the man whose quiver is full of them..." Psalm 127:4-5

We kept the nursery ready for your arrival...we were "preparing for rain."  Look what God did!

The Lord filled our hearts and our nursery.  This pic was taken in your crib. 

Our prayer has always been that you'd have a heart like Caleb. 

"He has a different spirit; he follows me passionately.  I'll bring him into the land he scouted and his children will inherit it."  Numbers 14:24 (the Message)

We pray this verse for you often, that you'd be a mighty warrior, a Christ follower, from an early age with an endless passion for the Lord.  That His love, grace, and mercy will draw you near to His heart, compel you, and drive you to share the gospel in a dark world.  That you'd love Truth and that you'd desire to obey His Word. Praying that you make wise choices based on the Truth.  That you would fear God alone and not seek to please people. That you will look beyond impossible and allow God to do great things in and through you as you yield to Him.  Praying you'll be strong in Him and very, very bold for Him. Praying you'll always know of our love for you.  How grateful we are to be your parents.

And look at your in your nursery now, at one year old, standing up! 

So... a quick recap of your first year by picture....I wish  I could add them all...but here are a few of our favs, Caleb:

This is how you spent your one month birthday.

What a joy to watch you sleep...especially like Daddy...with one foot out of the covers.

At 3 months, this was your favorite pose.
1st CandyFest....your Nana made your costume...you were a handsome lil lion

Your 1st Thanksgiving!
"Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth. Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations."  Psalm 100:1-5

Our first Christmas together.  You loved the Christmas Tree.

Your favorite Christmas present was your wagon!  You love to ride in the wagon!
I was so happy when you could sit up in the bumbo long enough to stroll you in wagon around the neighborhood.  You loved it, I loved it, and the neighbors would always wave, smile, and sometimes even stopped to talk to you.  I had prayed on numerous occasions for God to bring you into our lives on that route; what a blessing to praise him and turn those times into praying over your life.

One Dec. 30th, we were able to return to your birthplace and finalize your adoption!  It was a great day!

In February, you wore your 1st sports coat

We committed before the church to raise you as unto the Lord...acknowledging you are His
"For this boy I prayed, and the Lord has given me my petition, which I asked of Him. So, I have also dedicated him to the Lord; as long as he lives he is dedicated to the Lord." 1 Sam. 1:27-28

Parent/child dedication was such an emotional day...because we were able to celebrate with our Sherwood family God's faithfulness to bring you into our lives.  Your Sherwood family loves you, Caleb.  They have prayed for you before you were born; they continue to pray for you.  We are blessed with a praying church family.  (I loved that while you were being introduced to the family, your feet were going 90 miles an hour).

You have learned soooo much this year!  From opening your eyes to cruising around the furniture...I have loved being with you every step of the way.

My most favorite Mother's Day 2011

Your 1st beach trip! 

You love your daddy!  And your Daddy loves you. 

First youth camp

This year was filled with firsts; too many to name, but all incredibly etched in my mind.  You were a little learning and growing machine this year. 

We went a lot of neat places together.  You even got to visit both sets of your grandparents at their houses...one you took an airplane to and even got pilot's wings.  The other we drove to Florida to see...and you swam for the very 1st time in a pool.  Your grandparents love you so very much.  I am working on a page with pictures of you and them so you will always be able to see the love they have for you in their eyes.  This page will also include your great grandparents, which you are blessed to have.  I also hope to put pictures of you and your extended family on another page.  You have a wonderful extended family that have also enjoyed watching you grow this year.

I have learned this year that the old saying holds true, "time flies when you are having fun." Before I knew it our family was gathered to celebrate your first birthday at our house!  The baby was gone and the pre-toddler had come.  At your party you enjoyed the company of your family and loved the chocolate birthday cake; it's the 1st thing you fed yourself!

Caleb, You have brought so much laughter to our hearts and lives.  As we look toward each new day, our prayer for our family is found in Deuteronomy 6:4-9 which reads:

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the door frames of your houses and on your gates."

I thank God for your life and how He brought you into our lives.  Celebrating God's gift of your life to us while we walk this earth.  What a special boy you are.  Jesus loves you dearly.  He has a wonderful plan for your life.  Seek Him, son.

Caleb Elliot Grubbs,

We love you!

Happy 1st birthday!

Monday, August 1, 2011

The joys of diapers & infant car seats

 One Sunday in May of 2010 Sherwood students, parents, and student workers at Sherwood surprised us with a baby shower.  It was an awesome surprise; a themed shower...diapers, wipes, and car seat!  The students purchased our infant travel system stroller/car seat (the big blue package in the middle of the stage) and a TON of diapers and wipes.

We loaded the diapers into the nursery closet.  This pic doesn't even do justice to what the closet actually held...it spans further to the right/left and goes up even higher than the picture could capture. 

Not until today, August 1, 2011, only 11 days shy of Caleb's 1st birthday, did we finish up using the very last diaper.  The diapers and wipes were such a HUGE BLESSING!  Thank you, thank you, thank you, again for diapering Caleb!  We truly appreciate it!  Here's the after shot! 

Let me give a shout out to the Lord, whose timing is always perfect...the Publix baby diaper sale ran last week, and I bought my first thing of non-preemie diapers for a great deal with my store and manufacturer coupons in preparation of this moment (when the lifetime supply of diapers would run out).  After my first diaper purchase, I realized how much money we were able to save all last year thanks to the generosity of sweet people!  Thanks y'all!

As for the travel system we received, this was little four pound Caleb's 1st ride in his infant car seat on his way to the car.  He was wearing his "tiny miracle" outfit. 

Again, just shy of a year, I recently started noticing signs that my baby was moving into the pretoddler phase as it began getting harder to put him into the infant car seat without bonking his head; even his legs dangled over the edge.  Did I mention...he was heavy to try and tote in it as well. 

Closing the chapter on Caleb's 1st year is bittersweet.  I recently washed the padding of the infant car seat to store it for the next baby Grubbs; there was a lot of finality in that process, no more baby Caleb, and welcome pretoddler Caleb. 

We had so many precious memories in the infant seat, from bringing him home to the hotel from the hospital, to crossing into our home state with him, bringing him into our home for the first time-the infant car seat is filled with memories of many firsts.  We also put a lot of miles on that infant seat, from flying to see grandparents, to youth trips, or day trips to visit daddy at work...

It was really cute when Caleb learned how to peek around the car seat to look at the driver....

And I loved when he learned to find me in the mirror...I'd turn around to see his beautiful smile!  (I took this pic from the front seat of the car).

This year has been priceless.  Firsts...I treasure them!  I am extremely grateful for Caleb's precious life that we've been entrusted to raise on this side of eternity.  There are so many joys found in being Caleb's mom..I love them all! 

Recently, rather than deleting a particular email from Toys R Us, I opened it...to my surprise I found that the car seat that I'd heard so many good things about was on sale....a rare thing for this brand...which is normally excluded from coupons, etc....and it was just in time for our purchase...another PRAISE the Lord!  I LOVE His timing!  And His Spirit's leading me to open that email! 

Look at the big boy loving his new seat!  Such a welcome site!  A beautiful new season!  He couldn't stop smiling from the time we put him in it.  I am sure it was a mixture of being able to ride facing forward, being able to see us, as much as it was probably a lot more comfortable than being stuffed into a tiny infant seat as a growing boy. 

I look forward to all that God has in store in the days to come and the memories to be made in the big boy car seat! 

Again, I am reminded of the following verses:

"He settles the barren woman in her home as a happy mother of children. Praise the LORD." Psalm 113:9

Ephesians 3:20, "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us."

He is so good, y'all!  Mountaintops and valleys!   

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Iron Sharpens Iron by Howard & William Hendricks

"People often lack insight into themselves."  Authors Howard & William Hendricks remind readers of the incredible blessing found when we grant someone who's willing permission to speak objectively into our lives in. They note that, ideally we should invite a variety of influences to walk through life with us.

What led me to pick up this book was that although I have been mentoring teenagers for years, I felt like I needed to reevaluate what I could do better as a mentor.  I needed sharpening. I want to be found a faithful steward of those young lives I have been privileged to pour into during this season.  If that's where you find yourself, it's an excellent resource.  While it's geared towards men, I believe the principles transcend across the gender lines for women.

On the flip side, I treasure the wisdom and love I've received and continue to receive from older women and from my peers.  I am grateful for those who are willing to take time to invest in me, to ask me hard questions, who  pray for me, or who ask me how things are going, like maybe my scripture memory, or something I've confided to them.  What's so cool is that I've discovered that during different seasons of life God has had a way of leading just the right faith friends my way at just the right times to encourage me and to offer insight.

One statement that really stuck our in Iron Sharpens Iron was, "A mentor can help you pick up the pace in personal development."  We need to stop buying the lie that only weak men/women need help; the truth is, men/women who seek help become strong. The Hendricks encourage readers to seek out a Paul, Barnabas, and Timothy in our lives and explain why this is important.

I also wanted to share a little of what I gleaned from this book because I have heard a lot of folks mention recently that they are praying for a mentor or that they are looking for a mentor.  One half of Iron Sharpens Iron is written to the protegees/mentorees on how to find a mentor.  All the tips are right on target. 

I really enjoyed reading the Hendrick's book, gleaning some new insights, and  lots of take a ways.  I would recommend Iron Sharpens Iron to anyone of any age.  It's never too late to learn and be sharpened by someone or to offer to pour into a peer or a young Timothy.  I think it's an excellent resource, very practical, very biblical in its principles, and very encouraging/inspiring. 

As for me, I am thankful for the blessing of those clearly defined relationships with precious women that "encourage, enhance, and motivate me to love Jesus with all of my heart, soul, mind, and to finish life without dishonoring God's name."

"As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend."  Proverbs 27:17

As Iron Sharpens Iron

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

When A Nation Forgets God

Who'd guess that we'd ever see parallels between America today and in Nazi Germany?  The cover of When A Nation Forgets God  conveys the message for its readers best: "7 lessons we must learn from Nazi Germany."  The book's 7 chapter themes discuss the 7 lessons readers can take away and prayerfully be changed as a result.  It's a call to be courageous, a call to be about our sweet duty of praying, and a call to stand for Truth in our nation.

To spark your interest to purchase and read the book, I will note the topics:  1) When God is separated from government, judgment follows, 2) economy 3) although legal, it could be evil 4) how propaganda changes a nation 5) words to parents...one of my favorite chapters...I'd pick up the book solely for this chapter 6) how ordinary people can be heroes...calling us to action 7) the Cross of Christ must be exalted during dark times.

The author, Erwin Lutzer asks, as many of us would, where were the pastors in Nazi Germany, the believers, in the midst of such national atrocity, and why did believers allow this happen?  How could they allow that?  Before we throw stones their way, we need to evaluate our own lives. 

We must seize each day, each moment, to stand for Christ, to give Him glory.  We must live the gospel and let it carry over into every area of our lives.  Most people of Nazi Germany were more concerned with keeping their lives than giving their lives for what was right.  Sound familiar?  Does to me. We are concerned with keeping up appearances, keeping our jobs, keeping our finances safe, keeping our families safe, etc.  But could God be calling us to trust Him, to step out in faith and live a life that counts?  To be as John the Baptist, a voice crying out in the wilderness, to make way for the Lord?  Wherever He's placed us, He's positioned us to point to Him in speech and in action. 

Lutzer shares about 800 pastors in those days that were arrested and imprisoned for taking a stand for what was right.  They found standing for Christ a priviliege. Does this sounds weird to you?  It was heroic.   It was by God's grace, for God's glory; it couldn't have been pleasurable nor easy.  Peter says it this way in 1 Peter 4:12-14, "Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you.  But rejoice that you participate int he sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed.  If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you." 

I can't begin to imagine what these believers or their Jewish friends really lived and were a part of everyday until their death or rescue.  I have visited the Holocaust Museums in DC and in Israel, what I observed in the museums was unbelievable.  But it really did happen...and a nation allowed it to happen when they forgot God.  Oh, Lord Jesus, that we will not forget you today, or tomorrow.  Help us be strong and courageous in you and for you.
The book, When A Nation Forgets God is a must read.  It was recently referred to by our pastor.  Find it at the Source bookstore at Sherwood Church if you live here locally, or order a copy from the Source or on Amazon.  I never would've imagined the parallels that we are seeing in our country everyday that mimic those of Nazi Germany.  But then again, to boil a frog, you start with cold water, then adjust the heat slowly, and before you know it, you've got a boiled frog...and he was blindsided.  Hitler was excellent at "boiling frogs." Hitler knew that if he threw a frog in hot boiling water, they'd jump out.  He was a man of strategy.  Let's resolve to be strategical ourselves:  vigilant, prayerful, and eager to take a stand for the Truth.  Let's listen to His voice and obey. 

When a Nation Forgets God: 7 Lessons We Must Learn from Nazi Germany

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Privilege of Persecution

     Our pastor recently shared a story from the book The Privilege of Persecution in a recent sermon.  The authors minister to those Christians around the world that experience persecution for their faith.  Persecutions like being denied religious freedoms and basic human rights are woven throughout the book.  These persecuted Christians are discriminated against for their faith, put into prison for their faith, and some believers are even killed for their faith in Jesus Christ.  The faith of the persecuted Church cost them more than it does in the West.  We may end up losing friends but  it can cost them their lives, their families, their comfort, & favor. The Privilege of Persecution caused me to really think.
     Believers in some of the countries have to hide God's Word in their hearts because it's the only way to access it.  Americans whine about how hard it is to commit scripture to memory, me included.  Ask me the lyrics to my favorite songs from years ago or even now, no problem there. Not disciplining myself to memorize scripture because it's hard is a copout. I am an athlete.  I know how much discipline and training it takes to win, to achieve, to succeed, to reach my goals.  It's hard, sometimes painful, and sometimes I honestly don't like it.  It's bound to be the same with scripture memory, but the results are worth it.
     What if....we find our freedom to have the Bible in our possession stripped away tomorrow? Where would I be? I know several verses; but passages, nope.  Quiet honestly, that's embarrassing on so many levels.  I must follow the example of our persecuted brothers and sisters and know the Word, treasure it in my heart.  Why? It's Truth.  It's freedom, it's life, it's power, it's everything.  This will take accountability.
     The persecuted church likes to pray.  Yes, they" like" to pray.  I was reminded that how we view prayer is actually how we view God.  They are happy that the God of the entire universe would actually make time to spend with them personally as they talk to Him and as "get" to listen to Him.  They are absolutely dependant on prayer.  We need more of that.  I need more of that.  Their love for the Lord, their fear of Him, the way they worship the holy God is beautiful.
     Other issues addressed in the book that caused me to do a heart check were on their non-issues, like busyness, forgiveness, letting our blessings/our stuff get in the way of our walk.   My toes were getting stepped on all over this book.

The Privilege of Persecution Book - Written By Dr. Carl Moeller & David Hegg with Craig Hodgkins. Foreward by Brother Andrew

     I have a lot to put into practice that I see in the lives my persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ.  I walk away with much respect for the persecuted church and their willingness to live out their faith no matter what the cost.  I want to adopt that attitude, that heart, for Jesus, in America.  And "if" my freedoms were removed, would I be as courageous as these? I pray so.  Would I see persecution on behalf of the one I profess to love a privilege?

2 Tim 3:12," All who want to live a godly life in union with the Messiah Jesus will be persecuted." (ISV)

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Why read Passion and Purity

In a society where nothing is sacred, Elisabeth Elliot offers us a real example of how to handle our passions and to pursue purity.  Elisabeth is a giant in the faith for us as women.  She truly seeks to live life abiding in Christ.  She encourages young women/women that purity, although costly, is worth the pursuit, it isn't cheap.  I love Elisabeth's love story that unfolds in the book, with the Lord! She's leaving an amazing legacy for us!  Billy Graham said, "This book is definitely for men, too."  I read Passion and Purity as a teenager, it's almost as if I was reading it for the first time recently.  Can I encourage you to read or reread the book?  Married, single, or teenager, it's an incredibly applicable to every season of life!  Make time, it'll be worth it.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Breakthroughs birthed in prayer

Today is day 4 of camp, the last full day of camp.  While I am praying that it's not the typical Thursday night camp service, I am praying that many students will choose to follow Christ tonight in complete obedience.  We need surrendered lives.

Playtime is over.  As our friend Dr. Jay Strack says, "It's time for the little girl to sit down, and the young woman to stand up.  It's time for the little boy to sit down, and the young man stand up." 

While many are making decisions this week, moving forward with Christ, abiding in Him; there are still some that are completely resistant to the Gospel...we need breakthroughs birthed in prayer.  Please be praying with us today.  Please cover the names of our students and leaders. 

Praying that we see this life is really not about us as Rick Warren so simply put it.  I pray that students honestly examine their hearts. 

"We cannot play games with God, and at the same time experience spiritual awakening." Ronnie Floyd. 

"Changed lives.  Results from being in the holy presence of God.  Changed attitudes, changed relationships, changed hearts.  This is what can happen when we experience the supernatural power of God....When we repent of our willful desires to put distance between ourselves and God's holiness, He will change our attitudes toward our most cherished sins, and we will find ourselves in the center of a spiritual breakthrough.  Only as we live in His presence will the power of the Holy Spirit enable us to change both our attitudes and our conduct.  Instead of our self-worshipping nature wants to do, we will choose to do what God wants us to do...God will give us liberty.  We will know the meaning of true worship.  Our sinfulness, hopelessness, and insufficiency will come so clearly to the forefront that we, like the hearers of Jonathan Edwards's sermon-will know we are but one step from destruction.  This is what can happen to us when we stand in awe of the holiness of God."  Ronnie Floyd

J.I. Packer says, "Holiness is the very purpose of regeneration: that believers become Christlike.  Nothing defeats Satan's purposes for Christians like a a holy life, and nothing plays into his hands more than the failure to practice holiness.  Holiness gives credibility to witness; lack of it negates the witness.  True happiness comes only as a by product of holiness."

Praying for students to follow hard after Him today.  When we experience true worship of  God, our lives change.  We begin to care more about the things of God than about what we want.  I am praying for myself, all the same things this week, this time has been incredibly refreshing for me in so many ways.  The quiet moments while Caleb naps in the morning and in the afternoon are incredible.  Listening to the message via livefeed has been awesome!  The Truth is being preached this week.  He has been displayed. The Lord's speaking and I pray I will be found faithful. 

Pray that today, students will being living out the gospel "as they go."  There will be people hurting all around them, and me, today.  Pray that we have His eyes for them and can offer them the love of Christ.  This may mean for students, leaving their buddies/girlfriends awhile and taking some quiet moments with someone within the youth group who is hurting and pulling away for a bit to "bear one another's burdens." Maybe they bump into a vacactioner and strike up a conversation that points them to Christ even in the elevator.  Praying "as we go" that they'd point to Him today.  That they'd truly enjoy fellowship with oneanother while being on the lookout for divine appointments. 

Also, please pray for "unity among the brethern."  Pray that students would restore relationships this week. That they'd truly enjoy being together with one another. 

Pray from Ephesians 4:12-32:

17:So this I say, and affirm together with the Lord, that you walk no longer just as the Gentiles also walk, in the futility of their mind, 18being darkened in their understanding, excluded from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the hardness of their heart; 19and they, having become callous, have given themselves over to sensuality for the practice of every kind of impurity with greediness. 20But you did not learn Christ in this way, 21if indeed you have heard Him and have been taught in Him, just as truth is in Jesus, 22that, in reference to your former manner of life, you lay aside the old self, which is being corrupted in accordance with the lusts of deceit, 23and that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind, 24and put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth.
      25Therefore, laying aside falsehood, SPEAK TRUTH EACH ONE of you WITH HIS NEIGHBOR, for we are members of one another. 26BE ANGRY, AND yet DO NOT SIN; do not let the sun go down on your anger, 27and do not give the devil an opportunity. 28He who steals must steal no longer; but rather he must labor, performing with his own hands what is good, so that he will have something to share with one who has need. 29Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear. 30Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. 32Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.

Thanks for taking time to read and to pray.  Breakthroughs are birthed in prayer!

"Prayer does not equip you for greater works. 
  Prayer is the greater   work."       Oswald Chambers

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Memorial Stones

Today I FINALLY had the chance to take my little buddy jogging...it was nice and overcast; such a blessing to get the baby out in early in the morning to run and talk to the Lord before the heat set in.  I was living an answer to prayer...jogging with my baby...on the streets where I'd so longed to have my arms filled again.

The roads in Orange Beach are a memorial stone place for me, for our family--a place to remember and reflect upon the goodness and faithfulness of our God during the grieving times.

I had an amazing moment today!  As Garrett headed to worship with the students, I delayed Caleb's bedtime for a bit...feeling drawn to Grand Pointe, the place we ran away to after Gabe's celebration of life on Dec. 25, 2008.   Then at Thanksgiving, Gabe's 1st birthday, we returned, after having recently beginning the adoption journey.  It was here where the Lord continued to lead us, speak to us, encourage us, mend us, and directed us.
Although Caleb was already asleep, I could not resist waking him as I saw a couple passing by that could capture this moment for us with my cell phone camera.  I briefly asked if they could snap a picture of me and my son.  I thanked them for their time as I explained that in 2008 we'd lost a son, and this was the very place where we came after his homegoing. Then I explained that the Lord had chosen to fill our arms two years later through the miracle of adoption with this precious child, Caleb.  And what a blessing it was to return to this spot with the gift of a precious life to our family from His arms to mine, for the very first time. 

"Great is thy faithfulness, morning by morning, new mercies I see...Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord unto me." 
 What a moment, what a GOD!  Incredibly grateful today for His goodness! 

How do I become more devoted?

Thanks for taking time to pray for High School students this week at Student Life youth camp.

Suggested prayers in the student life material for today include:

Pray that students will have a desire to grow in their devotion to Jesus
Pray that students will value quality time spent with God
Pray that students will develop a passion for prayer and Bible study

Today's question is how do I become more devoted? Students will read Acts 2:42-47, Phil. 1:27-2:5.

"Being devoted is a lifelong calling.  During our lifetime we have the opportunity to grow in our devotion.  Throughout the book of Acts we get a picture of what this looked like in  the lives of individuals as well as the early Church as a whole." (Student Life Leader Guide)

Picture from last night's church group devotion time with @garrettgrubbs, student pastor, my hubby and favorite youth pastor! 

Pray by name...

Camp Pastor this week is JD Greear. Our adult leaders are leading Family group Bible studies.

Ada Bailey
Rachel Bailey
Dylan Barnes
Lakese Brown
Emily Brunson
Jerilyn Byrd
Christina Charles
Mary Margaret Charles
Morgan Clark
Annalese Clem
McKenzie Cole
Olivia Cook
Payton Couch
Bethany Cromie
Bailey Duncan
Madison Duncan
Amelia Elder
Jovanna Escobar
Marly Eubanks
Alicia Evans
Emily Garland
Taylor Glow
Becky Graves
Jennifer Henson
Meggan Hunnewell
Hazzannah Jones
Kayla Kirkland
Ashley Lane
Alexandria Lewis
Amie Loudermilk
Mallory McClearn
Madison McClearn
Emilee McLeod
Katie Meagher
Morgan Miller
Bree Milliner
Ashlyn Peachey
Savannah Peachey
Hannah Plummer
Savannah Peachy
Brooklyn Rainey
Taylor Reynolds
Katie Richards
Leigh Robinson
Kelsey Rogers
Mar Claire Sanders
Michaela Satchell
Kimberly Smith
Kelsey Spencer
Sarah Stone
Lidsey Taylor
Cara Walker
Taylor Weaver
Jade West
Chassidy Williams
Saralyn Wilson

Aaron Anthony
Skylar Barnes
Trey Broome
Terranc Burnette
Daniel Cooper
Brandon Cromie
Brett Cromie
Rashard Davis
Shaine Edmonson
Syd Erikson
Josh Flickenger
Brandon Gonzalez
MJ Green
Jeremy Hancock
Parker Hatcher
Josh Howick
Dustin Howell
Larrece Kelley
Landon Montgerard
Clay Norman
Jacori Oliver
William Orr
Ben Proctor
Jacob Rodriguez
Steven Rogers
Brett Sheperd
Daniel Smit
Jud Spencer
Jacob Sproul
Patrick Stanford
James Strawder
Chandler Tabb
Clay Wyatt
Jansen Barnes
Torrey Andrews
Aahron Daniels

Garrett Grubbs
Traci Grubbs
Kenny Miller
Lon Jorgensen
Karen Jorgensen
Chris Mathis
Kaitlyn Frits
Jim Russell
Anita Russell
Chris Matthews
Todd Stone
Cherie Peachey
Patricia Bennett
Wendy McLeod
Kaitlyn Lamb
Cindy Stone
Christine Kozuch

Please pray over each student and leader this week.

You can follow Sherwood Student Ministry on Twitter @sherwoodteens and Facebook under sbc students as well.

This week's theme is devoted and comes from Deut. 6:5, "Love th Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength."

Praying that studnts will come to truly KNOW Jesus Christ this week and understand what it means to be devoted. Praying that students will honestly evaluate where their devotion lies;is it for Christ or for self.

Don't forget you can tune into listen to the service tonight @ http://www.studentlife.com/ and follow the prompts.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

He's turned my mourning into dancing

In 2008, on Christmas Eve, our gracious pastor and church allowed us time away to seek the Lord following the death of our infant son, Gabe Chaney Grubbs.  A gracious friend offered their beach condo for us to spend time together with one another and with the Lord.

So on Christmas Eve, we said goodbye to family and went to be comforted by the peace of Christ.  We needed a change of scenery, and what a healing place we found in Orange Beach able to reflect surrounded by God's creation.  The condo has double balconies, one of the beautiful pass and the other looks out over the ocean. There's something about the beach for me, the sounds of the waves crashing on the beach that reminds me of the beauty of our God, His power, and His sovereignty. 

The Lord was teaching me all about His sovereignty in through the loss of yet another child.  I also found Him compassionate, as He Himself was witness to His Son's death, He's no stranger to grief.  We serve a compassionate God who does not delight in bringing affliction to His children (Lam. 3:33) yet "who comforts us in all our affliction so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God." (2 Cor. 1:4)

He was our Rock during the storm, our Anchor when the waves of life were crashing all around us...He was (and is) the CALM, the PEACE in the storm.  I found Him to be enough  His balm that soothes the hurt, the pain, is incomprehensible to me. But was completely sufficient.  I praise Him for giving me so much love always, but particularly during those days. 

Honestly, "I thought" that the Lord must have had an incredible plan to get glory through an incredible healing in Gabe's life.  track with me for a moment:  My water broke 19 weeks into pregnancy, it was a miracle that the Lord sustained Gabe's life through the first night in the hospital, He continued to have many close calls as his heart deceled at times...but my thoughts continued...if God had sustained His life with such little water for 10 weeks of me on my back in the hospital, if He survived birth, andsurvived transport to another hospital 4 hrs away (all miracle within themselves if you talk to medical personel), that there must be a BIG plan for Gabe's healing. 

There WAS a big plan! An ULTIMATE HEALING in being absent from his body and present with the Lord Jesus.  Paul says it best, "Yes, we are fully confident, and we would rather be away from these earthly bodies, for then we will be at home with the Lord."  God called Gabe Home on Dec. 20, 2008.  Gabe did not continue to suffer and be in pain, Gabe found himself in the arms of His Heavenly Father...how can we NOT prefer Gabe to be present with the Lord? I long for that day myself.  I rest in Him. I look forward to being reunited with both of my sons who're already there, Gabe and Graham. 

I receive much joy when I recall ALL the Lord taught me in being Gabe's mother as he was on earth...although briefly, those days were precious.  28 precious weeks of carrying and nuturing Gabe in my tummy, feeling his happy feet kick my sides, reading to Gabe, singing to him, praying for him, and looking into his eyes....all such tender moments from the Lord.  Such treasured vivid memories. 

It wasn't until March of 2009 that we began to hear God speaking to our hearts about adoption.  But it was in October that we stepped out of the boat in faith and watched God being to prepare us to parent another child.  Oddly enough, He spoke first through Christian radio and the testimonies of others who had big hearts for caring for orphans as parents.  I didn't want to believe that message was zeroed in for our family; but there was no denying He was at work, and we needed to join Him.   

To celebrate Gabe's first birthday, we returned to Orange Beach, rented a condo at the same location we had visited following his celebration of life (which most refer to as a funeral).  On the balcony, Thanksgiving, morning, we spent precious moments with the Lord.  He continued healing our hearts while preparing us for the future son he had for us.  We did a lot of business with God that week; many jogs on Beach Boulevard...up and down the grueling bridge...something about talking to God and "running my heart out" before Him, soooo refreshing!  It was a sweet celebration of past and of what was yet to come.

This week, in my first return trip to Orange Beach for the first time since 2009.  Last year at this time, while Garrett returned back to Orange Beach, I found myself stranded waiting for another adoption that we were pursuing in another state. 

What a joy to return to Orange beach with our son, CALEB ELLIOT GRUBBS, who God called us to adopt August 12, 2011 after a long faith journey.  We have the privilege of praising Him where our hearts were praying for him. 

Part of me wants to knock on the condo door at Grand Pointe and say, "Excuse me, can I borrow your balcony for a few precious moments with my son and the Lord?" I would absolutely hold him up in the air, toward Heaven, and say to the Lord, "Here is Caleb, the child you promised to entrust us to raise on this earth.  THANK YOU for your kindness towards us.  May we always remember whose child he is.  May we be found faithful as his earthly parents in pointing Him to you every moment you ordain us to walk this earth together."  I want to sing a praise to my God there.  I want to weep before Him there with tears of joy!  He has turned my ashes (grief) into beauty!  He has filled the desires of my heart (Ps 37:4).
"You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy," Psalm 30:11

This is the day we were able to finalize Caleb's adoption, Dec. 28, 2011, an incredible day remembering the faithfulness of our Father!

Am I Devoted?

It was a beautiful site to see our students rising early, after a long day, meeting with the Lord, united in prayer and indivudally, calling on Him, listening to His Word, all across the beach from our balcony this morning!  What an awesome blessing to take my son, Caleb outside where he could see our students praying!  I know Caleb does not understand yet, but He will.  I am grateful for students with a heart for the Lord that are setting an example for Caleb's generation! 

Please continue to pray over the list of names of our campers and staffers.  Here are some thoughts from the student life curriculum for today...

Peter serves as an example for students of what it means to be devoted as the question is asked of each student today if they are devoted.  Upon examining Peter, they see how he was devoted from his earliest days with Jesus.  Second, through his testimony and confession we learn just who jesus was and is, the Christ, the Son of God.  Third, studnets identify with him when he doesn't measure up to his own boasts of devotion and celebrate that his restoration provides us with hope for our own.  Last, stuents are challenged by his first sermon to examine whether or not they are devoted themselves.  Peter serves as a good aid as students (and us for that matter) seek to answer that very question for themselves. 

To follow along throughout today, read Matthew 16:16, 4:18-20; 16:13-18; 26:1-35, 69-75; John 21:15-22; Acts 2:14-41; 1-2:7; 1 Peter 1:13-25; 2 Peter 1 :3-15

Prayer suggestions:
Specifically, pray that students will see the need for God's salvation and forgiveness in their lives.
Pray that students will understand Jesus' call to follow Him.
Pray that students will respond in faith to the gospel and become fully devoted followers of Christ.

Ada Bailey
Rachel Bailey
Dylan Barnes
Lakese Brown
Emily Brunson
Jerilyn Byrd
Christina Charles
Mary Margaret Charles
Morgan Clark
Annalese Clem
McKenzie Cole
Olivia Cook
Payton Couch
Bethany Cromie
Bailey Duncan
Madison Duncan
Amelia Elder
Jovanna Escobar
Marly Eubanks
Alicia Evans
Emily Garland
Taylor Glow
Becky Graves
Jennifer Henson
Meggan Hunnewell
Hazzannah Jones
Kayla Kirkland
Ashley Lane
Alexandria Lewis
Amie Loudermilk
Mallory McClearn
Madison McClearn
Emilee McLeod
Katie Meagher
Morgan Miller
Bree Milliner
Ashlyn Peachey
Savannah Peachey
Hannah Plummer
Savannah Peachy
Brooklyn Rainey
Taylor Reynolds
Katie Richards
Leigh Robinson
Kelsey Rogers
Mar Claire Sanders
Michaela Satchell
Kimberly Smith
Kelsey Spencer
Sarah Stone
Lidsey Taylor
Cara Walker
Taylor Weaver
Jade West
Chassidy Williams
Saralyn Wilson

Aaron Anthony
Skylar Barnes
Trey Broome
Terranc Burnette
Daniel Cooper
Brandon Cromie
Brett Cromie
Rashard Davis
Shaine Edmonson
Syd Erikson
Josh Flickenger
Brandon Gonzalez
MJ Green
Jeremy Hancock
Parker Hatcher
Josh Howick
Dustin Howell
Larrece Kelley
Landon Montgerard
Clay Norman
Jacori Oliver
William Orr
Ben Proctor
Jacob Rodriguez
Steven Rogers
Brett Sheperd
Daniel Smit
Jud Spencer
Jacob Sproul
Patrick Stanford
James Strawder
Chandler Tabb
Clay Wyatt
Jansen Barnes
Torrey Andrews
Aahron Daniels

Garrett Grubbs
Traci Grubbs
Kenny Miller
Lon Jorgensen
Karen Jorgensen
Chris Mathis
Kaitlyn Frits
Jim Russell
Anita Russell
Chris Matthews
Todd Stone
Cherie Peachey
Patricia Bennett
Wendy McLeod
Kaitlyn Lamb
Cindy Stone
Christine Kozuch

Please pray over each student by name...or ask the Lord to give you a special group of students to "adopt" in your prayers all week long throughout the day, maybe 3-4 names that you can take before the Lord each time He brings camp to mind.  Idea: each time you eat or drink today, take time prior to and lift up campers before the Lord...let food/drink be a prayer trigger.

Thank you for your investment in our students!  He is listening! 

Lastly, let's ask the Lord as we examine our hearts in the reading of His Word if we are devoted....are we pointing the students to Christ in our devotion to Him? Or do our lives lead them away from Christ.  Let's spend some time with Him today...at His feet...and let Him speak as we are still.  We must prepare for our students' return...let us rejoice with them in the work Christ is doing rather than discourage because we have not had a time of refreshing with Him this week.  He is calling, let's meet with Him.

Monday, June 20, 2011

High School Camp @ the Beach

Traveling through the Sunshine state on our way to Student Life Camp with 107 of our high school students. Wecovet your prayers this week while at camp for our campers as well as our adult leaders.

Today's schedule:
2-4:OO CST registration
5 CST dinner
7:OO CST Youth Pator Mtg
7:30 CST Worship
9:OO CST church group time

Camp Pastor this week is JD Greear. Our adult leaders are leading Family group Bible studies.

Ada Bailey
Rachel Bailey
Dylan Barnes
Lakese Brown
Emily Brunson
Jerilyn Byrd
Christina Charles
Mary Margaret Charles
Morgan Clark
Annalese Clem
McKenzie Cole
Olivia Cook
Payton Couch
Bethany Cromie
Bailey Duncan
Madison Duncan
Amelia Elder
Jovanna Escobar
Marly Eubanks
Alicia Evans
Emily Garland
Taylor Glow
Becky Graves
Jennifer Henson
Meggan Hunnewell
Hazzannah Jones
Kayla Kirkland
Ashley Lane
Alexandria Lewis
Amie Loudermilk
Mallory McClearn
Madison McClearn
Emilee McLeod
Katie Meagher
Morgan Miller
Bree Milliner
Ashlyn Peachey
Savannah Peachey
Hannah Plummer
Savannah Peachy
Brooklyn Rainey
Taylor Reynolds
Katie Richards
Leigh Robinson
Kelsey Rogers
Mar Claire Sanders
Michaela Satchell
Kimberly Smith
Kelsey Spencer
Sarah Stone
Lidsey Taylor
Cara Walker
Taylor Weaver
Jade West
Chassidy Williams
Saralyn Wilson

Aaron Anthony
Skylar Barnes
Trey Broome
Terranc Burnette
Daniel Cooper
Brandon Cromie
Brett Cromie
Rashard Davis
Shaine Edmonson
Syd Erikson
Josh Flickenger
Brandon Gonzalez
MJ Green
Jeremy Hancock
Parker Hatcher
Josh Howick
Dustin Howell
Larrece Kelley
Landon Montgerard
Clay Norman
Jacori Oliver
William Orr
Ben Proctor
Jacob Rodriguez
Steven Rogers
Brett Sheperd
Daniel Smit
Jud Spencer
Jacob Sproul
Patrick Stanford
James Strawder
Chandler Tabb
Clay Wyatt
Jansen Barnes
Torrey Andrews
Aahron Daniels

Garrett Grubbs
Traci Grubbs
Kenny Miller
Lon Jorgensen
Karen Jorgensen
Chris Mathis
Kaitlyn Frits
Jim Russell
Anita Russell
Chris Matthews
Todd Stone
Cherie Peachey
Patricia Bennett
Wendy McLeod
Kaitlyn Lamb
Cindy Stone
Christine Kozuch

Please pray over each student and leader this week.

You can follow Sherwood Student Ministry on Twitter @sherwoodteens and Facebook under sbc students as well.

This week's theme is devoted and comes from Deut. 6:5, "Love th Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength."

Praying that studnts will come to truly KNOW Jesus Christ this week and understand what it means to be devoted. Praying that students will honestly evaluate where their devotion lies;is it for Christ or for self.

Pray students grasp the need to be devoted to Christ over self in their own lives. I am reminded of what Jesus said in Luke 9;22-23, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me willsave it."

I am elated to be able to be part of praying for our students and leaders this week! But have such joy knowing Jesus prays us in John 17. Looking forward to seeing life change this week camp-wide that radically transforms lives to His glory.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

1 Tim. 4:12 in action

Grateful for many students who took time to visit the prayer closet tonight and who prayed for missionaries and persecuted Christians in the various stations.  I saw a ton of prayer cards that were wonderful evidences of the prayers that were offered tonight on behalf of our sisters and brothers in Christ.  It is so encouraging seeing students who are seeking the Lord and who have a heart for prayer.  I am so grateful for our intern team who made the prayer closet possible.  Another thing that brought me joy today was when I saw one of our students who's visiting California tweeting that she was praying as well although she was not physically present...very cool to see students in love with Christ and desiring the gospel to be declared among the nations.  I praise God for these young prayer warriors and am reminded of 1 Tim. 4:12, "Don't let anyone look down on you for being young. Instead, make your speech, behavior, love, faith, and purity an example for other believers." What an example they are setting for us as believers...thanks, students! I love you!